Resource management is an integral part of any successful business. It involves the efficient use of resources to maximize output from business objectives.
It has become more important in recent years due to the rise of globalization, increased competition, and the need for businesses to remain agile and adaptive. Resource management ensures that the right resources are available at the right time so that a business can meet its objectives. Every modern business requires a digital workplace to allow collaborative work, communication, and workflows. In this digital workplace, employees are able to access and share data, documents, and applications quickly and securely.
This digital workplace creates an environment that is friction-less, secure, and efficient, enabling the company to achieve its goals. Furthermore, the digital workplace provides tools that foster collaboration among team members, reducing the time required to complete tasks. Digitization of data is becoming increasingly common within business models which shows that businesses are leaning more towards digital transformation. Handling a multitude of projects simultaneously can be a tough task that requires precise organization, skillful juggling, and an eye for detail, especially when it involves multiple teams across different departments.
A project manager is responsible to ensure that all stakeholders are aware of their individual responsibilities and that the projects are progressing on schedule. To make sure that everything is in order, you must keep detailed records of project progress, budgets, and resources. This will enable you to provide regular updates to team members and help to ensure that deadlines and goals are met. Recently I came across this webpage: How Much Is “The Way We’ve Always Done It” Costing You?. In this page, there is a cost calculator to determine how much time and money you and your team waste on inconsistent processes, status meetings, and tedious, manual work.
You may access the cost calculator here: Immediately, I keyed in the information to the best of my knowledge and was so amazed to see the time I spent in each of those areas: work processes, status meetings, manual work. Here is a summary of 57Network’s result. Request Management is a common business use case for any business. Requests are received from both internal and external stakeholders who need support, information, or some kind of action in the day-to-day operation of a business, or to report on unexpected incidents. Your team’s efficiency and business success will be greatly affected if you are still using emails, instant messages and/or spreadsheets to manage your requests. These are good tools for communication and data recording but not efficient in managing the requests raised by your stakeholders. Have you ever sent out an email accidentally and unable to undo it? The good news is, you can change the setting to delay the email sending even you clicked the send button. Once you set it, you can undo email sending within a short seconds, this could give you a short windows of time to undo your email sending. NOTE : However, you are not able to undo it once your email has been sent out successfully, and you have to work around it by sending another email to inform your recipient regarding your mistake or whatsoever reasons. Step 1 : click the setting icon at the top right section of your Outlook Web Step 2 : Under Mail > Compose and reply > under Undo Send, toggle the time to the longest value Done!
Issue : Unable to access Smartsheet account on my Web Browser Most of the time, we seen this issue is mainly caused by the user's hardware and browser. The browser clearly indicated the error message as "This site can't be reached is unreachable" The bottom of the message also provided "Try running Windows Network Diagnostics" Kindly refer to these two-steps guide mentioned below and follow the best-practice guide, and your problem will be mostly resolved forever. Step 1 : Check Hardware
👈🏻 If your Windows's Network Card (WiFi or Ethernet Cable) doesn't have a valid IP configuration, please refer to this fix guide : Best practice: we highly recommended to manually add these DNS addresses for best browsing experience. Here is the detail to further tweak your Network Card setting. Refer to this guide: Try to disable and then re-enable your network card again after you have added the DNS setting mentioned above. Step 2 : Check Internet Browser For other Smartsheet tips, you can refer here:
Attended an Integrity Forum recently and someone shared this report conducted by EY on corporate integrity. Here's a brief introduction (extract from page 4): True character is often revealed in times of crisis. The speed and scale of the COVID-19 pandemic could not have been foreseen, and businesses are facing a combination of threats that are more challenging than anything experienced in modern times. How business responds may prove to be the litmus test for corporate integrity. Base on Smartsheet Report on Collaboration Beyond Communication, we have prepared an infographic for your easy reference.
You can assessed the full report here. Change is indeed a part of life as the saying goes, "the only thing constant is change." Since the pandemic started in early 2020, we are seeing changes taking place in every sphere of life. How are you coping with change? How is your team coping with change? Schedule an appointment with 57Network to find out more about how Smartsheet can help you streamline workplace collaboration and support a dynamic workforce. |