How much time does your team actually save when you use technology to get your work done on a daily basis? The benefits of technology aren’t hard to characterize, but quantifying time savings can be, especially with emerging technology like work management platforms. Smartsheet commissioned a study conducted by Forrester Consulting1 this past summer to quantify the total economic impact for enterprise customers, and the findings are significant: As shown by a composite organization, Smartsheet helps business leaders improve their productivity by 15% – saving over 300 hours each year. Is It Too Good to Be True? Breaking Down the Time SavingsAccording to Forrester’s study, these gains in productivity come from Smartsheet functionality that streamlines and automates processes, unlocks access to real-time data, and automatically reports insights from that data. Here’s how organizations use Smartsheet to realize substantial time savings: To streamline processes across projects and reduce the time spent on these processes - “We spend less time every day, every week to manage our projects,” shared one manager of global advanced technologies for a software organization in Forrester’s study. “This allows me to have more projects be tackled by my team.” Each team has a different approach to streamlining work with Smartsheet. Whether using forms to streamline request intake with alerts to notify team members when new action must be taken, or recurring update requests to gather weekly status, the results are the same: reduction of time consuming steps, optimized processes, and increased team bandwidth. To reduce the number of previously necessary meetings and emails, since the required information is now managed in Smartsheet - Another study participant shared, “We now spend a lot less time digging through the same stuff over and over again to find the data. With Smartsheet, if somebody is looking for information, it’s all there. All of our benchmarking, all the metrics that we use, it all just feeds into Smartsheet automatically.” High performing teams use Smartsheet to share status on an ongoing basis, without wasting time gathering information through email. They’re able to optimize time spent face-to-face – hour long status meetings spent getting up to speed are instead turned into 15 minute strategy sessions where roadblocks can be resolved. To create better visibility into data and reduce time spent creating and updating reports - One Smartsheet customer simply explains, “Now, I’m able to give live information whenever people ask for it.” Unlike weekly updates produced in PowerPoint decks or Excel spreadsheets, data aggregated and shared in Smartsheet always reflects the most current data or information. Reports automate data consolidation and can be scheduled to be sent on a recurring basis, so stakeholders and team members can access updates a number of different ways. Seemingly small process improvements, like automated recurring reports, automated approval processes, or triggered alerts, all add up to material gain for businesses. By using a work management platform to remove time consuming steps from routine work, Smartsheet customers are able to accomplish more in less time. Teams surveyed were able to take on more projects without the need for additional hires – ultimately increasing revenue for their organizations. Uncover the Value of Work Management for YourselfSaving 300+ hours each year with work management is only one of the quantified benefits Forrester uncovered in their research. To dive deeper into Forrester’s findings, download the full study today.
1 The Total Economic Impact™ Of Smartsheet, a September 2017 commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Smartsheet Source: Smartsheet Blog |